Australia Exchange – July 2017

After arriving at The Academy on Monday, our Australian Exchange learners have been experiencing all aspects of life at The JCB Academy. On Tuesday they were given the opportunity to spend time in our workshops with some of our apprentices. Staff and learners were then taken on a comprehensive tour of the JCB factory, where they were able to observe …

St Patrick's Technical College

Australia Exchange Programme

The Australia Exchange Programme is an exchange which is open to Y12 learners at The JCB Academy. In 2014-2015, Year 12 learners were invited to participate in the first Australia Exchange Programme. During this programme, in October 2014, four learners hosted four pupils, from St Patrick’s Technical College in Adelaide, South Australia for two weeks. The second part of this programme …


Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 1

Day 1: Saturday 18th February 2017 After months of planning staff and learners were ready to depart for the first aspect of the Australia Exchange; ahead lay a long 24 hour journey to Adelaide in the south of Australia. Arriving at The Academy at 08:30, learners were taken to Manchester Airport where they began the first leg of their journey …


Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 2

Day 2: Sunday 19th February 2017 Several films later, the long and gruelling Journey to Adelaide finally ended at approximately 20:30. Staff and learners were greeted at Adelaide International Airport by Mr Kelly, St Patrick’s Business Development Manager, who was dressed in jeans and a hoodie; complaining of cold weather! This was rather peculiar as the temperature was 22◦C! Once …

Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 3

Day 3: Monday 20th February 2017 Waking at around 07:00, Miss Bailey and the learners proceeded to take a leisurely stroll along West Beach before being collected at 09:00. Even at that time in the morning, the temperature was recorded at approximately 18◦C. Again, a little chilly for the Australian’s! At 09:00 Mr Kelly arrived to collect our staff and …

St Patrick's Technical College

Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 4

Day 4: Tuesday 21st February 2017 On the second day in Adelaide, in order to allow Evie, Rob and Jonathan to become acclimatised to the Australian heat, a day in school lay ahead. The JCB Academy learners were welcomed at 08:30 at St Patrick’s Technical College by two of their exchange partners, Mitchell Sowton and Jerome Cook, who took them …

Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 5

Day 5: Wednesday 22nd February 2017 After another day in school and getting used to the 30 degree heat, the UK learners and their Australian hosts were taken to the infamous Adelaide Oval where they watched a T20 cricket match; Australia vs Sri Lanka. Several hours later, Australia came out on top, winning by 41 runs.

National Motor Museum

Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 6

Day 6: Thursday 23rd February 2017 A cooler day began on Thursday. Our learners accompanied the Y11 Automotive learners to the National Motor Museum in Birdwood. After exploring the collection of vehicles, motoring-related objects, such as brochures and maps, tin signs, petrol bowsers, toys and models, staff and learners then wandered across to the local bakery for lunch. Yet again, …

Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 7

Day 7: Friday 24th February 2017 The school week ended with a visit to Adelaide’s Central Market with St Patrick’s food and hospitality learners. Adelaide Central Market was officially opened on the 22nd January 1870 and has continued to thrive since that day. The market is now home to over 70 food and produce stalls and is South Australia’s most …

Australia Exchange 2017 – Day 8

Day 8: Saturday 25th February 2017 The weekend began with a visit to Cleland Wildlife Park where staff and learners were able to observe the local wildlife of Australia. Armed with bags of animal feed, the learners walked freely amongst kangaroos, wallabies, bettongs and potoroos. One of our learners, Rob Turner, and his host, Declan Moseley, bravely attempted to feed …