Learner Mentors at The JCB Academy
All learners who join The JCB Academy are assigned a mentor who will be their first point of contact during their time here.
We recognise that transition to a new school can be difficult for some learners and we work hard to ensure all learners settle well, feel supported and are confident in asking for help if they need it.
The role of a mentor is to monitor the learners academic progress along with care for their pastoral well-being.
Mentors have regular meetings with their mentees to set academic targets and discuss their progress. The key information from these regular meetings are shared with parents/careers via email.
We are also the first point of contact for parents/carers and we encourage them to share any concerns with us outside of the academy that may affect learners whilst they are here, which enables us to put support in place.
Special Educational Needs
In July 2014 the Government introduced new statutory guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25. Since August 2014 The JCB Academy has been developing transitional arrangements to ensure that its procedures are in line with a code of practice that is underpinned by this guidance and the directive to implement the ‘Assess, Do, Plan, Review Model’ in readiness for its full implementation in September 2015. (Note: The JCB Academy’s Special Educational Needs Policy is currently under review pending amendments in accordance with the statutory guidance).
View our SEND Information Report by clicking here
Read the full policy on our policies page
Contact our SENDCO assistant, Miss Z Clark at z.clark@jcbacademy.com
The JCB Academy recognises its legal duty under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 and the 1989 Children Act to protect and safeguard the interests of all children. The Academy recognises that effective child protection work requires sound procedures, good inter-agency co-operation and a workforce that is competent and confident in responding to child protection situations.
Read the full policy on our policies and statements page.
Please see our useful resources for staying safe online by clicking here.
The JCB Academy has a “duty of care” towards its learners due to the fact that the Principal and staff stand in “loco parentis” (in place of the parents). This duty of care includes protecting learners from harm of bullying.
Read the full policy and statement on our policies and statements page.
How to report an instance of bullying
If you are a learner, parent or carer and would like to report an instance of bullying please contact your relevant mentor or head of year.
Bus Problems
If you have any problems or wish to report anything about our bus service please email bus@jcbacademy.com
Please view our transport code of conduct and transport routes on our policies and statements page.
Pupil Premium
Evidence collected by the DfE showed that economically disadvantaged learners performed less well than their non-disadvantaged peers. Subsequently in April 2011 The DfE implemented Pupil Premium to address these underlying inequalities, by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reached the learners who needed it most and by requiring schools to be more accountable for the achievement of their disadvantaged pupils.
Read the full statement on our policies and statements page.
British Values
As a response to the varied threats that our society has faced from extremist groups in recent years under the heading of ‘The Prevent Agenda’ the British Government directed that all schools should promote a concept it has entitled “British Values”.
Read the full statement on our policies and statements page.
Sex & Relationships Education – Information for Parents & Carers
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) involves learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. Some elements are taught in science, and others are taught as part of personal, social and health education (PSHE). Currently, the law states that SRE is only mandatory from the age of 11 in state schools. It is not compulsory in academies or private schools and as such parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from the non-compulsory parts of sex and relationship education if they choose to.