The JCB Academy runs an annual ski trip during the February half-term. Over the past five years the après-ski programme has included DVD nights, indoor / outdoor ice-skating, bum-boarding, swimming, a trip into a local town to watch Six Nations rugby and Champions League football, 5-a-side football, disco nights, pizza nights at local restaurants, ice hockey matches and a ride on an alpine coaster (a cross between toboganning and a rollercoaster). These activities were all included in the cost of the trip.
A parents’ information evening is organised later in the year to provide more information and the opportunity for any questions that you may have. In recent years we’ve taken learners skiing and snowboarding in Italy, France and Austria. The cost of the trip includes luxury coach travel, six nights full-board accommodation, six days lift pass, hire of ski boots/skis/poles/helmets, ski instruction and a full programme of evening entertainment.