Our Stand Against Bullying

At The JCB Academy, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all learners.

Key Points of Our Anti-Bullying Approach:

  • Duty of Care: We ensure protection from bullying, as part of our responsibility towards our learners, guided by the Department for Education and the Education Act (2002).
  • Definition and Recognition: Bullying is identified as repetitive, intentional harm in various forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, and cyberbullying. Our policy outlines clear procedures for addressing such incidents.
  • Objectives: Our goals include raising awareness of bullying, ensuring consistent practice within our community, and providing robust support for affected learners.
  • Support and Sanctions: We offer immediate support to victims and apply clear sanctions to perpetrators, focusing on reconciliation and behavioural change.
  • Prevention and Education: Our curriculum includes anti-bullying themes, and we promote an open dialogue about bullying, ensuring learners know how to report concerns.
  • Monitoring: The effectiveness of our policy is regularly reviewed by our leadership team, ensuring our strategies remain effective and responsive.

Our commitment at The JCB Academy is unwavering. We strive to maintain a nurturing environment where every learner can thrive, free from the fear of bullying. Together, we work towards a community where kindness and respect prevail.