Employer Partners – Safeguarding

Safeguarding at The JCB Academy – Employer Guide

The JCB Academy is child-centred and learner welfare is of paramount importance. Safeguarding is about protecting people, keeping individuals safe and protecting them from abuse or neglect.

The JCB Academy fully recognises its responsibility to have a clear and secure framework in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Children and young people are defined as those under the age of 18.

We expect employers to join us in ensuring this crucial role of safeguarding our learners, is undertaken with rigour and commitment.

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with learners has a role to play in safeguarding
  • We have a duty to ensure that learners are protected from maltreatment
  • Prevent impairment of learner’s health or development
  • Ensure learners have a voice

Your Role

Staff at the academy maintain a professional attitude of “it could happen here” where safeguarding is concerned. We expect employers to embrace this and also to cement the academy’s culture of prevention, protection and support.

It is important that employers;

  • Provide a safe and welcoming learning environment for all learners
  • Have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and harassment
  • Report all incident to the academy
  • Alert the academy to the possibility of abuse

Adult members of staff working with young people (under 18) must be made aware of potentially difficult situations such as:


Any unnecessary or close contact should be avoided. We appreciate however there may be occasions where this may happen. Where possible, staff should avoid being on their own in an isolated or closed environment with a young person.


Staff should avoid being over familiar with young people and avoid behaviours which may cause embarrassment or fear. Young people should feel reassured and guided in a new environment or when faced with a new situation.


If there is a time when a young person must travel alone with an adult, a mobile phone should be available. The employer must also know the check in time/destination and liaise with the member of staff responsible for the learner at all times.


The employers who are immediately in charge of young people should be competent in their work role, mature in attitude and also be at ease with working with young people.


If you are concerned who have any queries about the welfare or safety of a learner, or should they disclose any personal information which raises a concern for their emotional or physical safety, please contact the academy who will offer you advice and guidance.

If a learner makes a disclosure, remember the following steps;

  • Listen to them, take what they say seriously and offer reassure them. Do not make promises such as not telling or sorting it out. Never tell a learner you will keep it secret
  • Do not stop a learner from telling you
  • Do not question or interrogate them
  • Do not overreact
  • Always explain to the learner what you are going to do next with the information and explain why as you have a duty of care to that young person
  • Speak to the academy as soon as you are able too

If you believe a learner is at immediate risk of harm, contact the police directly by calling 999.

The JCB Academy, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

The following staff members at the academy are responsible for dealing with safeguarding issues, providing advice and support to other staff, liaising with local authorities and working with other agencies.

Further Information

For further information, you may wish to look at the following guidance/resources.