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Year 9 Consultation

The Governing Body of The JCB Academy is consulting its stakeholders and partners on a proposed change to its admissions arrangements from September 2018.

Currently The JCB Academy recruits 198 learners at age 14 across 4 local authorities.  The proposal is to recruit 66 learners (one third of the intake) at 13 (start of year 9) and to recruit the remaining learners (132 in total) at 14 (start of year 10).  This will increase overall learner numbers by 66 taking the Academy to physical capacity.

The rationale for this decision relates to provision within the local area and the impact on progression for young people.  Within the catchment area three different areas use the three tier system (Uttoxeter, Leek and Stone).  Currently learners from these three areas who transfer to The JCB Academy at 14 leave the middle school at the end of year 8, join the high school for one year and then transfer to The JCB Academy.  It is often the case that learners have already made the decision to move schools at the end of year 9 before they leave the middle school and then see themselves as ‘marking time’ at the high school.  This causes significant disruption to the learning process for these learners and in some instances can be disruptive for the high schools themselves.

You can read the proposed admissions policy by clicking here.

In compliance with the requirements for such a proposal, a period of six weeks will elapse before the consultation period closes on 14th February 2017.

In order to make your views known please write to:

Consultation on Admissions 2018
C/o Clerk to the Governing Body
The JCB Academy
Mill Street
ST14 5JX

Or email to