Application Process
Applications to join the academy in Y9 and Y10 are made via our website – the application window is 1st September to 31st January of the year you are applying to join.
There are two criteria for eligible applications to the academy. There is an 18-mile catchment area and each learner must sit a Cognitive Ability Test (also known as a CAT) at the academy. Applications are considered from outside the catchment area but these are placed on a waiting list should we be over-subscribed. There is no pass or fail with the CA, this is solely used to allocate learners to a relevant ability band and ensures the academy takes learners across a full ability range.
If we are over-subscribed, we randomly allocate places. Applicants will be notified on March 1st as to whether they are successful or not.
All learners travel to and from the academy on one of our dedicated coaches. Transport routes cover most areas throughout our catchment area but we are unable to pick up at every village or suburb within the region. Learners use a laptop daily which is supplied by the academy. Unfortunately, due to security, safeguarding, and software licensing learners cannot use their own personal laptops. The transport service and laptops can be paid for with a one-off payment or in instalments. Other smaller financial commitments will be made aware to you during the application process.
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