ryman national enterprise challenge

Ryman National Enterprise Challenge 2017

Ryman National Enterprise Challenge

The JCB Academy will be taking part in the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge on 26th June 2017.

The Ryman National Enterprise Challenge is a full day enterprise programme open to all secondary schools in the UK. Working in teams of six The JCB Academy year 10 learners will work on real life business challenges, which are set by real life businesses.

This helps to develop the enterprise and employability skills of all the young people who take part including teamwork, communication, leadership, creativity and presentation. The winning team from each school will then represent the school at the National Finals. This year the national finals will be held at The Telford International Centre on July 4th.

For further information on the challenge please visit www.nationalenterprisechallenge.co.uk

The JCB Academy are unable to give the learners this opportunity without funding from our sponsor, Linde Hydraulics.

For further information on our sponsor Linde Hydraulics please visit www.lindehydraulics.co.uk