India Business Trip – Day 4

What a truly amazing visit into “The Pink City” of Jaipur followed by seeing the amazing sites of the Amber Palace. To top it off, the only way we could get up to the palace was on the back of an elephant – oh go on then!

Taj Mahal

India Business Trip – Day 3

Well, the Taj Mahal is truly is one of the wonders of the world and we have all been in awe of its magnificent construction. The detail that has been put into this is unbelievable and to top it off it is perfectly symmetrical.

India Business Trip – Day 2

The learners have made it to Delhi and have received a very warm welcome from Moni & Anil who work at JCB India. Theyare travelling to Agra later on in the day to take in a cultural show before visiting the Taj Mahal tomorrow. “We have all been well and truly blown away by what we have seen so far …

India hotel

India Business Trip – Day 1

After an eight hour flight the plane wasn’t able to land in Delhi due to fog so we had to re-route to Nagpur and have been housed for the night in a very nice hotel nearby ready to commence again tomorrow on to Delhi.

Taj Mahal

India Business Trip – Introduction

On Friday 6th January, 12 of our 6th Form Business learners will embark on an amazing cultural journey to India. Once there they will get the opportunity to visit the Taj Mahal, JCB India, PWC and take in many other life changing sights. I think it’s fair to say as school trips go this one is going to be pretty …

The JCB Loadall Challenge

Learners from year 10 are currently undergoing sessions with JCB Graduates which run alongside the JCB Challenge. Learners have to buy and sell components to build their Loadall machine, components are valued according to how environmental and sustainable they are.  The learners are then asked to design and construct a cab using cardboard, plastic straws and a glue gun. The construction …

consultation image

Year 9 Consultation

The Governing Body of The JCB Academy is consulting its stakeholders and partners on a proposed change to its admissions arrangements from September 2018. Currently The JCB Academy recruits 198 learners at age 14 across 4 local authorities.  The proposal is to recruit 66 learners (one third of the intake) at 13 (start of year 9) and to recruit the …

Reading competition

Christmas reading challenge

Szilvia Brakner, The JCB Academy’s English Learning Manager, is organising a school reading/photography competition. The rules: Take a picture of yourself or ask your friends or family members to do it for you while you are reading a book in an unusual setting/position/circumstance Take care and be safe while you are getting your picture taken There will be a prize …

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Sixth Form Open Evenings

We are delighted to announce that due to popular demand we are arranging three open events in late January 2017, each event will be dedicated to one of our pathways; Engineering, Business or traditional A-levels. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions and to speak to relevant subject staff following short presentations. Open Days: Engineering 30th January 2017 Business 31st January 2017 A …

website design

Free websites for voluntary and community groups

The long school hours at The JCB Academy are more like business hours, rather than most schools but learners and staff are rewarded every Wednesday afternoon for their hard work, when they have the chance to all participate in one of the academy’s extension activities: Go-karting, Airsoft, Hair and Beauty, Robot Building, Photography, Golf, Ten Pin Bowling, Fishing, Mountain Biking, Clay Pigeon …