Land Rover 4x4 in Schools Challenge 2019

Land Rover 4×4 in Schools Challenge 2019

Learners at The JCB Academy have recently participated in the annual Land Rover 4×4 in Schools Challenge, a national competition where school teams of four work together to design and build a remote control (RC) car which is then tested over various obstacles. As part of the challenge the teams drive their RC cars over a series of specially designed test …

Bri-stor apprenticeship open evening

Bri-Stor Group Apprenticeship Open Evening

Open Evening 23rd January This year’s Bri-Stor Group apprenticeship open evening is fast approaching and preparations for the event are well underway. The annual open evening gives those interested in a career in engineering the perfect opportunity to find out what our apprenticeship has to offer. Starting at 5.30pm on 23rd Jan, event is always well attended and gives prospective …


Annual Fundraising

This year we’ve raised £2,941.91 through our fundraising: Admin team cake sales – Macmillan £1,692.60 Sixth form RAG week – British Heart Foundation £607.60 Non-uniform day – Children In Need £491.41 Poppy sales – Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal £26.14 Christmas Jumper Day – Save the Children £124.16

Presentation evening

Certificate Presentation Evening – 2018

On Tuesday 18th December The JCB Academy hosted their annual certificate presentation evening where former Y11 & Y13 learners came in to collect their GCSE, A-level and Diploma certificates. See the photos on our Google photos account here

Christmas lunch

The JCB Academy Christmas Lunch

The JCB Academy Christmas lunch will take place on Friday, 14th December. MENU ~ Hot turkey and stuffing baguette with gravy ~ ~ Hot gammon and stuffing baguette with gravy ~ ~ Pigs in blankets with roast potatoes and gravy ~ ~ Vegetarian sausage and stuffing bap ~ All served with cranberry sauce on the side ~ Mince pie and …

consultation image

Admissions consultation for September 2020

The Governing Body of The JCB Academy is consulting its stakeholders and partners on a proposed change to its admissions arrangements from September 2020. Download the proposed admissions policy for September 2020 by clicking here. The policy contains three key amendments: A move to banding using the Cognitive Ability Test. An increase in the planned admission number for Year 9 …

Hello Yellow image

World Mental Health Day – Hello Yellow

As part of World Mental Health Day (WMHD) our Learner Support Team have been raising awareness of mental health issues with our learners. Through PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) lessons, delivered by The JCB Academy mentors, the focus has been on understanding and breaking down the stigma associated with mental health conditions compared with physical health needs. The main …

Early Closures

Over the course of the year it is at times necessary to send learners home before the scheduled finish for the day. On these occasions, the buses depart early to facilitate a range of activities at the academy. We recognise these can be problematic for parents and the following provides notice of the planned early closes for the remainder of …

Class Charts image

Class Charts

The JCB Academy understands the importance of communication and feedback about learners between parents and staff. We provide parents with regular feedback through mentors, progress reports, parent evenings, etc. and we are constantly looking for ways to improve this communication. To increase the frequency of our communication with parents we have recently introduced a new online system, Class Charts. Class …