Message from the Maths Team:
We have invested significantly in online resources to support learners. I think it vital to update you on these and their uses to ensure you and your child are clear of how to continue to improve / review / challenge their maths learning during these unprecedented times.
Although Google Classroom is the vehicle The JCB Academy will use to communicate work, the Maths Team will utilise these other resources as they are specifically designed and award-winning platforms for our subject. We will still be logged into Google Classrooms during lesson times as per other subjects to respond to learners and provide support but feedback may also be provided directly in Hegarty Maths for example.
Hegarty Maths is the go to resource overall during these times of distance learning, or for those who will be attending. The key for learners is that they must fully engage with the learning videos prior to attempting the quizzes or requesting feedback support from the teacher. This function should only be used when a real effort to solve the problem has been made. If learners don’t have their online learning books at home with them it will be important to have pencil and paper to hand still in order to work out questions properly.
Additionally, whilst exams may not take place, it is essential to remember that learning and progress are critical to being prepared for the next stage of education. Learners should maintain the same levels of focus and ensure they are prepared well for their coming phase of education, employment or training.
Y13 Learners
- Dr Frost Maths – online learning and exam questions with solutions
- Naiker Maths – topic based and whole course exam questions with solutions and additional video and worksheet support
- Physics and Maths Tutor – topic based exam questions and solutions
- Maths Genie – topic based exam questions and solutions by grade / difficulty
I hope this helps you have a better understanding of the work your child can access at home and how we will be able to continue to monitor their progress and provide feedback where required as much as is possible within each session time.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding during these challenging and unsettling times.
The JCB Academy Maths Team