India Trip 2018 – Day 5

Daily blog by Y12 sixth form learner, Charlie Pearson.

We departed the hotel for our visit to the JCB factory in Jaipur… after me and Olly woke up 40 minutes late. Once we arrived at the plant we had a formal greeting in which we were spoken to about the statistics of the company and how well they have developed over the years from them opening.

Once we were greeted we then began our tour around the factory which included the manufacturing, assembly and product warehouses. Here we got to see how each stage of development helped to make there different products, but in this case we saw them manufacturing the JCB 3CX.

After the tour we had some lunch, got changed and then started making our way back to Delhi from Jaipur which took us 7hrs and 30mins which was the same time as our plane flight. But at least we don’t have to travel anymore for the rest of the trip.

Business teacher, Laura Buchanan wrote.

Today we visited the JCB factory in Delhi, where we were greeted by The CEO of JCB India. This was then followed by a trip to the primary and secondary school in the local village. We received a traditional Indian welcome and had the chance to meet staff and pupils from the local village. The JCB Academy learners then delivered an Engineering lesson the secondary school students and gifted them all new school resources and a JCB back pack. The day was finished off with a game of cricket. A memorable day had by all.