Harper Adams 2016

Harper Adams University Residential – 2016

When our new year 10 learners come to The JCB Academy one of the first things they do is a one week residential trip to Harper Adams University in Shropshire. 198 learners went on the trip this year, where they get to know each other, their house staff and adapt to the rules, routines and expectations of The JCB Academy. Learners also receive an introduction to their first engineering challenge, the “Harper Adams Challenge” and have an opportunity to take part in a range of outdoor and sporting activities.

The day to day timetable consists of lessons in the morning, which are delivered by Harper Adams University staff and leisure time in the evenings. During the morning sessions, one ‘house’ takes part in a range of outdoor activities including; segways, archery, rock climbing and team games. In the afternoon learners go to either ‘house’ sports, team building games or model engine building sessions. The evenings are taken up by a quiz on the first night and then either bowling or a film on the other nights.

Tom Greene, Director of Engineering at The JCB Academy,  said, “The Harper Adams trip is an amazing opportunity for learners to explore engineering concepts in a practical manner whilst also building long lasting friendships with follow learners, helping all of the year 10 cohort to begin a new year in a new school on a positive note.”

You can view all the photos from the Harper Adams residential trip on our Google Photos account, see the photos by clicking here