Jess Travers

GCSE Results 2019 – Destination Achievements

Learners at The JCB Academy have gained aspirational career destinations following their recent GCSE results.

The JCB Academy which specialises in engineering and business follows the ‘standard’ core curriculum, but learners also get to study engineering and business-related subjects. The academy has a great reputation for its apprenticeship pathways and career guidance. This year is another testament to this with several learners gaining aspirational apprenticeship offers, including aspiring female engineers, Jess Travers and Layla Barry. Jess (from Ashbourne) has already started her apprenticeship with leading international infrastructure group Balfour Beatty two months before picking up her GCSE results and Layla (from Burton-on-Trent) will join the apprenticeship programme at Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) in September. Other learners, including Josh Stevenson (from Derby) and Archie Lowe (from Stoke-on-Trent) also gained engineering apprenticeships with local companies. Josh will join Bombardier, specialists in aerospace and transportation and Archie will join British precision engineering company, Goodwin International.

Principal, Mrs J McGuirk, said: “It was really pleasing to see so many happy faces as learners collected their GCSE results. Once again our learners have gained the grades that enable them to take the next step in their journey – whether that be going onto full-time post-16 study or into an apprenticeship programme. Staff and learners have worked incredibly hard to achieve such a positive outcome.”