GCSE results 2017

GCSE Results 2017

Learners at The JCB Academy have celebrated their GCSE results with their highest ever English outcomes, something that you wouldn’t expect from an academy that specialises in engineering and business. Learners at The JCB Academy follow the ‘standard’ core curriculum subjects of English, mathematics and science, but they also get to study engineering and business related subjects at an OCR level, equivalent to GCSE. The academy also achieved an increase from the previous year’s results in their engineering and business subjects.

Principal, Mr Wade, said: It was fantastic to see so many of our learners picking up their GCSEs today and moving on to their next destinations.  Learners and staff were, of course, concerned about the new grading system and it was pleasing to see learners celebrating their achievement in these new tougher qualifications – the fact that we achieved our best ever English outcomes for learners with these tougher exams is testament to the hard work of learners and staff.”

The number 13 may be unlucky for some, but not for these learners who each scooped 13 passes in their GCSEs. Cameron Stewart from Woodville in Swadlincote gained 13 passes which included an A* (8), three As and four Bs. Matthew Barker from Stretton in Burton on Trent was another learner to gain 13 passes including two A*s (8s), three As and three Bs.

Other top performing learners were Gregory Large from Cheadle in Stoke on Trent, who gained an impressive 12 passes including an A* (9), and four As and Sophie Smith from Leigh in Stoke on Trent, who also gained an impressive 12 passes which included an A* (8) and five As.