
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 2017




This year The JCB Academy will be running the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE).

The DofE Award consists of a challenging programme of activities, which will allow learners to learn new skills, help others and experience adventure. The Award also provides learners with a great sense of achievement and has an emphasis on both independent work and teamwork. The Award is not easy to complete and requires organisation and dedication from participants. This is the reason why it is so well revered by colleges, universities and employers alike.

  • The Bronze Award is aimed at our Y10 learners. We will be in Cannock Chase for our Practice Expedition and the White Peak District for our Assessed Expedition.
  • The Silver Award is aimed at our Y11 learners. We will be in the Dark Peak District for our Practice Expedition and the Brecon Beacons for our Assessed Expedition.
  • The Gold Award is aimed at our Sixth Form learners. We will be in North Wales for our Practice Expedition and the Lake District for out Assessed Expedition.

As part of the Expedition section of the Award, learners will need to participate in 1-2 training days (depending on level of award), a Practice Expedition in the Spring term and an Assessed Expedition in the Summer term. The training days, Practice Expeditions and Assessed Expeditions are all compulsory in order to complete the Award.

We are very fortunate at The JCB Academy to have Wednesday afternoons available for Extension Activities. These afternoons provide the ideal opportunity for learners to work towards the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections of the Award.