Daily Commute

Please note that the total daily commute time for our learners, covering morning and afternoon journeys, averages 1 hour and 24 minutes. This significant commitment reflects the dedication of our learners and their families. When accepting a place, consider this aspect as an integral part of your son’s/daughter’s daily routine. We encourage discussing this with your son/daughter to ensure they are ready for and view the commute positively.

Financial Commitments*

Accepting a place at The JCB Academy is not just a commitment to you son’s/daughter’s academic and personal growth; it also involves financial responsibilities.

  • Laptop Requirement: A personal laptop with an estimated cost of £680 (two/three year payment plans are available) is required for each learner. This is a mandatory purchase and is essential for accessing digital learning resources.
  • Transport Costs: Unless your family is exempt from travel due to close proximity, parents/carers are responsible for the estimated £750 (the transport cost is subsidised by the academy) annual payment associated with our transport service.
  • Y9 Harper Adams Residential: An estimated cost of £250.
  • Uniform: An estimated cost of £200 (subject to items purchased).

Estimated total

  • Year 9 estimated total £1,800.
  • Year 10 estimated total £1,550.
* Financial assistance may be available to support the cost of the laptop. Some level of financial assistance will be awarded where the total household income (including benefits) is below £27,500.

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