Activity Week 2017 Poem

JCB Academy went to The Edge
To have some adventure and fun
Up ladders, and down lines
No matter rain or sun

On Segway’s, down zip lines
Down mountains on boards too!
There were lots of laugh and lots of screams
Maybe a small injury or two

They’ve all shot a bow and arrow
And been up a climbing wall
They’ve competed on a Sniper range
They’ve played rounder’s, tag and football

Paintballing’s up tomorrow
And abseiling the next day
How many made it up Jacobs ladder
With their excellent team play

The beds are a little hard
The spiders are a plenty
And so far at bowling tonight
The lowest score is 20

There’s plenty of food at breakfast
As well as lunch and dinner
The extra snacks on top of this
Doesn’t make us slimmer!

Wednesday started with team building
Speed, accuracy and memory games
Then clout archery out in the field
Not a target on a range

Paintballing was lots of fun
With various different styles
Domination, VIP and capture the flag
The minor bruises were worthwhile

Thursday was our day offsite
Climbing rock faces and abseiling
Then a bit of a trek and into the woods
For an exciting canyon swing

Friday and we’re on the way home
But not until after an activity or two
A treasure trail around the site
And a clay pigeon shoot

We’re on the bus and we’re all tired
There’s been a late night or two
They loved collecting wood for the bonfire
Everyone’s tried something new

So a big thank you to The Edge
We’ll be back again in a year
But for now, for the instructors, staff and learners
I’d like you to give a big cheer!