Updated Transport Routes

We’ve recently updated our transport routes and this may include times and bus stop locations that could affect you. Please review the transport routes by clicking here.

Harper Adams 2018

Harper Adams Residential Trip 2018

In the second week at The JCB Academy, new year 10 learners go to Harper Adams University in Shropshire for a one-week residential trip where they take part in a range of educational and leisure based activities. The classroom lessons involve PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic), English, mathematics, science and engineering. The engineering lessons, which are taught alongside Harper …

Award evening 2018

2018 Annual Awards Evening

In July, The JCB Academy held its sixth annual awards evening to celebrate the achievements of over 45 students for Years 10-13 and Apprentices, for both academic and personal achievements. The awards event was held at JCB World Headquarters, where Lord Baker, presented the awards to the winning students. The individual awards were sponsored by some of The JCB Academy’s …

Oli Thompson and Family

Best Ever Set of Outcomes

Learners at The JCB Academy have gained outstanding results across the board achieving their best ever outcomes. The JCB Academy which specialises in engineering and business follows the ‘standard’ core curriculum, but learners also get to study engineering and business related subjects. And it’s in the core subjects as well that learners have achieved their best ever outcomes: 79% of …

Apprenticeships image

Apprenticeships and Earning Potential

A recent study conducted by the Social Mobility Commission found that an academic qualification (such as a typical University degree) isn’t the most important factor when it comes to your earning potential. Choosing a vocational or academic course that is closely related to your current or future field is the best way to ensure higher earnings across the course of …

Jacob Murrock

A-level Results 2018 – Fulfilling Aspirations

The JCB Academy Sixth Form has once again fulfilled the aspirations of its learners by creating opportunities through its partnership building with businesses and universities. Mr Wade, Principal at The JCB Academy, said: “I am very proud of the fantastic achievements of our learners who have been awarded their advanced grades today. Of the grades across all programmes, nearly 99% …

JCB Academy biology at work day with Loughborough University

Biology at Work with Loughborough University 2018

Triple science learners at The JCB Academy have recently had a fantastic opportunity to work with Loughborough University. Dr Paul Roach and his team visited the academy to teach learners about bioengineering, and how science and engineering come together. Dr Roach has been involved with several projects involving the design and fabrication of novel materials and surface coatings, also being incorporated …

JCB Academy Sixth Form trip to Sri Lanka

Sixth Form Trip to Sri Lanka – Day 1

We were introduced to both of our placements this morning and had a warm welcome at both. By the time we leave, the corner of the room will have a fully plumbed in working toilet. The people here are so friendly and the food is spicy. Amir is our guide for the whole trip. A great opportunity for our sixth …

Sports Day 2018

Year 10 Sports Day 2018

On the 3rd July 2018 we had our Year 10’s annual sports day. The JCB Academy house teams; Arkwright, Bamford and Royce, all compete in a variety of sporting activities. The final, and by far the most exciting and competitive, is the tug-of-war!

Guy Martin visits The JCB Academy

Guy Martin Visit

On Monday, 14th May, 2018, we had a visit from motorcycle racer and a television personality Guy Martin. Guy came in to look around the facilities and to find out about how we develop our engineering learners in the academy, sixth-form and through our apprenticeship training centre. Photos of the visit can be viewed on our google Photos account – …