- Pinpoint Learning: pinpointlearning.co.uk
Following the Y11 mock examinations, your son/daughter received personalised feedback on areas they need to focus upon to improve their grade in mathematics. Pinpoint Learning has analysed learners’ mock exam papers and has highlighted the top fifteen topics, five per exam paper, which they need to work on prior to further exam practice in the coming weeks. From the Pinpoint site, each learner should have a copy of their personalised improvement plans. Through this platform, your son/daughter is able to access worked solutions upon completion of each booklet of five key topics to assess whether they have made an improvement towards securing the next grade.
- Hegarty Maths: hegartymaths.com
To support learners with the completion of their personalised Pinpoint intervention booklets, they also have access to Hegarty Maths video tutorials and tasks. Direct links to these tutorials can be found on your son’s/daughter’s personalised Pinpoint documents. In addition to responding to mock assessment feedback, learners can use Hegarty Maths for independent practice to develop their fluency in key skills that are relevant to their level. Attached are topic lists that are categorised by three tiers of difficulty. Learners should use this as a reference point and checklist of tasks that could be completed independently.
- Mymaths: mymaths.co.uk/
The academy has also subscribed to Mymaths, another fantastic online platform to improve key mathematics skills. To support with revision, learners can focus on the revision materials provided under the Booster Pack section. The booster packs are broken down into tiers. Learners should attempt their targeted grade packs.
- Tassomai: tassomai.com/– (Maths, Science, and English)
Students learn through quizzes and short videos, using our mobile app or other online devices. Content is broken down into bite sized chunks and tailored to each user, as our intelligent algorithm works out what students know and where they need to focus their efforts.