Year 12 Induction

It’s a busy day today at The JCB Academy with the new intake of year 12 learners starting. The new learners start the day off with a welcome by the academy principal Mr Wade and director of sixth form, Paul Stanmore. Learners will then be assigned laptops, ID badges and email accounts and get to know each other with a …

traction and power lessons

Harper Adams Residential – 2017 – Overview

Throughout the week the new year 10 learners took part in a range of educational and leisure based activities. The classroom lessons involved PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic), English, maths, science and engineering. The engineering lessons, which were taught alongside Harper Adams lecturers included vehicle configuration, traction and power, steering and suspension and chassis design. Engineering lessons The learners …

Harper Adams day one

Harper Adams Residential – 2017 – Day 1

The new year 10 learners have set off today for Harper Adams University in Shropshire where they’ll spend the next five days getting to know their fellow learners and staff. They’ll also get their first engineering project, the Harper Adams Challenge. Day one consists of a nice and easy day; leaving the academy by coach at around 9am, arriving at …

Year 10 induction

Welcome to our new year 10 learners

The new year 10 learners at The JCB Academy are having a couple of induction day’s this week, followed by a one week residential at Harper Adams University in Shropshire. Whilst at Harper Adams they’ll get to know fellow learners and staff and also work on their first engineering project, the Harper Adams Challenge.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 2017

    This year The JCB Academy will be running the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE). The DofE Award consists of a challenging programme of activities, which will allow learners to learn new skills, help others and experience adventure. The Award also provides learners with a great sense of achievement and has an emphasis on both …

GCSE results 2017

GCSE Results 2017

Learners at The JCB Academy have celebrated their GCSE results with their highest ever English outcomes, something that you wouldn’t expect from an academy that specialises in engineering and business. Learners at The JCB Academy follow the ‘standard’ core curriculum subjects of English, mathematics and science, but they also get to study engineering and business related subjects at an OCR …

English teachers at The JCB Academy

A Very Special English Student

The English Team at The JCB Academy are celebrating the results of a very special English learner. Linda Saunders (55), Specialist LSA (learning support assistant) for English at the Academy decided to support learners in a unique way by studying for the new English Language examination at the same time as Year 11. Mrs. Saunders attended Mrs. Sillitoe’s and Miss. …

Connor Williams - The JCB Academy

Aspirational Destinations – 2017 A Level Results

The JCB Academy has once again enabled learners to go on and pursue a wide range of fantastic careers through its links with universities and business.  Paul Stanmore, Director of Sixth Form, said: “Another year with some fantastic achievements that demonstrate how the experience at The JCB Academy prepares learners for their transition to university and future careers. I am …

Year 9 Approval

The JCB Academy are pleased to announce that we have approval from the Department for Education to take pupils from Year 9. Currently The JCB Academy recruits 198 learners at age 14 across 4 local authorities. The approval is to enable The JCB Academy to recruit 66 learners at 13 (start of Year 9) and to recruit the remaining learners …

£1.2 Million Apprenticeship Training Centre Opens

A new £1.2 million centre to train the apprentices of the future was officially opened by JCB Chairman Lord Bamford on July 19th 2017. While The JCB Academy is more commonly known as a school and sixth form, we also deliver apprenticeship training for leading businesses across the region. Now a new dedicated, hi-tech facility known as The Dove Engineering …