ski trip 2018

Launch of the 2019 Ski Trip

We have just returned from The JCB Academy’s 2018 ski trip and what a fantastic week it was. We took 50 students skiing to Hochfugen, Zillertal in Austria and had an amazing time. Students are still buzzing from the trip and already asking whether we are planning another one for next year. We are pleased to inform you that we …

sport relief 2018

Sport Relief 2018

On Friday, 23 March 2018 The JCB Academy took part in Sport Relief, with various activities to raise funds. Learners and staff participated in a cake sale, quiz, non-uniform and fitness challenge and managed to raise a total of £700.78.

Year 10 Induction Day Gets Underway

It’s our year 10 Induction day today at The Jcb Academy. Learners are taking part in lots of activities, including; assembling wooden models, building bridges and making a speaker in electronics.

Combined Cadet Force

Combined Cadet Force Field Day

The JCB Academy learners’ Combined Cadet Force cadets were invited to take part in a field day at Nesscliffe Training Area this week. The cadets took part in a variety of activities including fire and maneuver (with paintball guns) and setting up shelters in a harbour area. Three of the cadets were part of the winning team in the gun …

Y13 Business Learners visit to Switzerland – Day 2

Today our Year 13 A-Level Business Learners had a fantastic time at PWC as they demonstrated the way they as a company are diversifying the products and services they offer to their clients. Learners visited their experience centre where they are working in particularly innovative ways to solve the problems that their clients have and designing state of the art …

Frey chocolate factory image

Y13 Business Learners visit to Switzerland – Day 1

Today our Year 13 A-Level Business Learners visited Buchs, the home of Switzerland’s leading chocolate producer – Chocolat Frey. Whilst there it provided the perfect opportunity to do some first hand research into this year’s pre-released exam context – “The market for chocolate confectionary and the businesses operating within the UK and or internationally”. They were able to see how …

U16 Rugby Team

JCB Academy U16 Rugby Team vs Tettenhall College

Score: JCB Academy 19 vs Tettenhall College 21 Tries: Tommy Cheadle x2, Alex Scullion. Conversions: Alex Scullion x2 A great game to finish on, a game we pushed right to the end, sadly an easy interception in open play allowed Tettenhall a lead that we just ran out of time to combat. A last play try gave us the opportunity …

U16 Rugby Team

JCB Academy U16 Rugby Team vs Queen Mary A

Score: JCB Academy 0 vs Queen Mary 28 Our hardest fixture of the afternoon. Whist in midfield the boys competed well, with some good hard tackling and pressure on the ball. We were unable to put points on the board. QMGS on the other hands used the full width of the pitch and a right wing with outrageous pace. However, …

U16 Rugby Team

JCB Academy U16 Rugby Team vs Queen Mary

Score: JCB Academy 24 vs Queen Mary 7 Tries: Tommy Cheadle x2, Dom Ward, Danny Thompson. Conversions: Tommy Cheadle x1, Alex Scullion x1 Following on from the positive start, the boys got stuck in straight away and dominated the opposition, a crashing run from Oli Beardmore certainly let the other team know our intentions. A lack in concentration allowed Queen …

U16 Rugby Team

JCB Academy U16 Rugby Team vs Abbotsholme

JCB v Abbotsholme Score: 12 vs 5 Tries: Jamie Wain x2, Conversions: Alex Scullion x1 A quick warm up in the brutal wind and snow showers saw the lads ready for the first fixture against our hosts. A tight game that saw Abbotsholme cross the whitewash first. The boys continued to probe with lots of opportunities with Jamie Wain finally …