Australia Exchange 2019 – Day 2

What a fantastic place! St Patrick’s technical have been incredibly welcoming. They gave us a very interesting tour of their school. We saw how they manage to secure apprenticeships for the majority of their students before they even finish school by teaching them a wide range of practical skills in hospitality, plumbing, electronics and automotive and so much more. A …

Ski Trip 2019 – Day 5 & 6

We spent our final two days skiing in another new part of the resort, Pass Thurn. Day 5 was another glorious day again and students were spoilt with fantastic sun and snow for a fifth day in a row. We also celebrated Mr Blackwell/Mr Blackrun’s 38th Birthday. The hotel surprised him with two incredible cakes that our students made light …

Ski Trip 2019 – Day 4

The students were feeling it this morning but once they got going, they were flying down the slopes. 5 hours of skiing each day is exhausting (but so much fun!). All of the groups are making fantastic progress. Even the beginners have been taking on some red runs! In the evening, we headed to Wave Wörgl Swimming Pool which boasts …

Ski Trip 2019 – Day 3

Best day yet! Glorious sunshine again. Students have really found their feet today. They’ve picked up the speed now that they’ve developed their skills. A number of students put their skills to the test on the famous Hanhenkamm Olympic downhill run (some coming off better than others!) In the evening, we took to the slopes again to take on the …

Australia Exchange – Overview

Learners from The JCB Academy Sixth Form have the opportunity to visit St Patrick’s Technical College in Adelaide, South Australia in our school exchange programme. Learners from The JXB Academy Sixth Form visit Adelaide in February and then learners from St Patrick’s Technical College come to the UK in the second part of the exchange programme in July. Whilst in …

Ski Trip 2019 – Day 2

Another glorious day in Austria. We spent day two skiing in the Hornbahn area. Learners have made huge progress today and have really enjoyed taking on more challenging runs. As always, some learners are improving faster than others so the groups were tweaked in the morning which really helped them all to keep making as much progress as possible. See …

Ski Trip 2019 – Day 1

We’ve had a fantastic first day in Kitzbühel, Austria. We’ve had 43 learners of all abilities take to the slopes in glorious sunshine today and they’ve done extremely well! There’s tonnes of snow (2.5m!) and learners have really enjoyed their first day. We’ve finished skiing, eaten a massive dinner and we’re now off to go Bowling.


Annual Ski Trip – Overview

The JCB Academy runs an annual ski trip during the February half-term. Launching in 2012, the après-ski programme has included DVD nights, indoor / outdoor ice-skating, bum-boarding, swimming, a trip into a local town to watch Six Nations rugby and Champions League football, 5-a-side football, disco nights, pizza nights at local restaurants, ice hockey matches and a ride on an …