Land Rover 4x4 in Schools Challenge 2019

Land Rover 4×4 in Schools Challenge 2019

Learners at The JCB Academy have recently participated in the annual Land Rover 4×4 in Schools Challenge, a national competition where school teams of four work together to design and build a remote control (RC) car which is then tested over various obstacles. As part of the challenge the teams drive their RC cars over a series of specially designed test tracks, produce a portfolio of their work in the form of a ‘pit display’ and also present their work to a group of judges.

Learners who choose to take part in the Land Rover challenge at The JCB Academy use their Wednesday afternoons to design, prepare and make their RC cars. The 4×4 and RC Club on a Wednesday afternoon at the academy is one of several 6-week activities which leaners can choose from. In this activity, teams of 3-6 learners work together to produce a RC cars, which are able to tackle ‘off road’ tracks. As part of the challenge the teams are also expected to market their product, produce a portfolio of their work and also produce a Powerpoint/media presentation.

This year, two teams from The JCB Academy, ‘Team Andrew’ and ‘Team Bazcovery’ entered their cars into the Land Rover 4×4 in Schools Challenge’s, central regional finals on 15th January at the EEF Technology Training Centre, Birmingham.

During the day, their cars were scrutinised against technical requirements. Their ‘Pit stop’ display stands and portfolios were also judged. Each team gave presentations and were interviewed by panels of judges. Finally, each team drove their cars over a specially designed off road track, as well as using them to manoeuvre a trailer around another track.

Both team represented the academy very well with excellent behaviour and attitude. They worked well together as teams and applied them to each task with determination, showing perseverance through any challenges they faces.

Some judges expressed how Team Andrew had impressed them by their stylish car design. They also noted how much they had achieved, given the short time they had to prepare for the competition.

‘Team Bazcovery’ were presented with an award for ‘Sponsorship and Marketing’ due to their innovative team brand name, which was based on the key sponsor’s name and the style of their car.

Team Bazcovery – Leah Field, Jay Moore, Oliver Herdman and Alfie Topham (Year 10 learners)
Team Andrew – Ryan Williams-Millican, William Anthony and James Rose (Year 9 learners)

View all the photos on our Google Photos page at