JCBAFLIX – literacy value films to watch

Welcome to JCBAFLIX, a collection of films and series’ that have potential literary value or helps to build imagination and are also enjoyable. This is a week-long timetable that our learners can dip in and out from.

The aim is to build cultural capital and to provide some ideas for value entertainment. We hope that you will enjoy watching these individually or as a family.

W/C 23 March 2020

  • Tuesday 24 March – NoahFictional take on the Bible, starred by Russel Crowe – BBC I Player `films`
  • Wednesday 25 March – Merlin seriesGreat to expand your imagination and to acquaint yourself with some English myths – BBC I player `from the archive`
  • Thursday 26 March – The Professor and the MadmanA true story of how the world famous Oxford Dictionary began. A captivating film – Amazon Prime
  • Friday 27 March – His Dark MaterialsA series of Phillip Pullman`s world famous trilogy of fictional worlds and creatures to broaden your horizons for creative writing – BBC I Player