British Values

As a response to the varied threats that our society has faced from extremist groups in recent years under the heading of ‘The Prevent Agenda’ the British Government directed that all schools should promote a concept it has entitled “British Values”.
The Government defines British Values as being:

  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

The above values form part of The JCB Academy ethos and as such are promoted to our learners in a variety of ways, which are detailed below.

The Academy aims to promote and safeguard a school culture which embraces change, difference and individual choice. Freedom of speech is a fundamental British Value and one which The Academy fully endorses, we challenge any learners whose behaviour demonstrates a lack of regard for these concepts and condemn views which could be considered racist, homophobic or extreme.

Read our full British Values statement by clicking here