In order to ensure a smooth and organised start for your son/daughter at The JCB Academy, please ensure that these stages are completed as soon as possible.
Data Collection
This data is essential for maintaining up-to-date contact details and other important information required for your son/daughter’s admission. Please provide the necessary information by visiting our data collection page.
Uniform Purchase
Ensure your child is equipped with the correct uniform before the start of the school term by purchasing their uniforms:
- at one of the uniform evenings in July at The JCB Academy
- online at Clive Marks
- by visiting the Clive Marks store located in Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 1PG
ParentPay Activation
To activate your ParentPay account, follow these steps:
Existing ParentPay account holders:
- Visit
- Log on to your existing account, select “Add a child”, and input your User Name and Password.
- Your child’s name will be listed, select “add to my account”.
If you DO NOT have a ParentPay account:
- Visit
- Go to the “For Parents” tab and click “Parent Login”
- Input your User Name and Password
Laptop Finance
To set up your payment plan for the laptop finance and insurance, please:
- Register with our finance partner, EDDE, by visiting EDDE Portal
- Use the code JCB19-19 when prompted.
Consent Forms for Residential Trips
Ensure parental consent is given to ensure your son/daughter’s participation in the Harper Adams (Year 9) or Standon Bowers (Year 10) residential trips.
- Consent can be given by visiting our residential trip form page
Payments for Residential Trips
Ensure payments are made promptly to ensure your son/daughter’s participation in the Harper Adams (Year 9) or Standon Bowers (Year 10) residential trips.
- Payments are to be made via your account.
Transport Direct Debit
To set up your payment plan for the transport service, please:
- Download the Direct Debit form here
- Complete the form and return it to The JCB Academy, Mill Street, ST14 5JX.
Admissions Process
Should you wish to familiarise yourself with the admissions process that you went through when you accepted your offer, you can download the admissions process information by clicking here